Key Fob Replacement By Automotive Locksmith in Denver
Car Key Fob Services in Denver
EMERGENCY Lockout Service
Full Guarantee on every job
Local, Licensed Locksmith
About our Key Fob Replacement
Car locksmiths go out of their way to satisfy the customers that contact them for help. They understand the complexities of the situations they face and the frustrations of being placed in an uncomfortable situation, but that’s putting it lightly.
Customers are sometimes left feeling stranded, not knowing what to do when their keys are left inside vehicles, or when they’re the victim of theft.
Even if there’s no theft at all, not knowing what has happened to your home or car keys can be nauseatingly frightening. It gets even scarier when considering what could unfold if you lost your key fob.
Locksmiths are great at making copies of ordinary keys, such as those for homes, businesses, and vehicles. But more and more vehicle brands are turning to key fobs over traditional keys. At one time, they consisted of remotes used only to lock and unlock automobiles. Yet today’s key fobs operate more like a true wireless key.
They can turn on engines, activate different amenities in a vehicle, and unlock them from a long distance away. When new key fobs are made by mobile locksmiths in Denver, they must be currently programmed into the vehicle’s security database.
Professional help at this is advised, though going to a dealership might be out of the question for some drivers. Making a copy of your key fob isn’t a rudimentary car locks replacement.
The locksmith must know the vehicle and understand the steps required for every model since some cars take more effort to copy than others.
But rest assured, a good locksmith company, such as Lock Pixies, will get you a replica of your original key fob. This isn’t the only thing related to key fobs that they can do for you. Look at what additional services they offer below.

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100+ 5-star reviews
On a snowy night in Denver, I needed a car locksmith fast. The response from Lock Pixies was incredible.
Sally H.
After dealing with a Lock Pixies locksmith, that will be the only locksmith I’ll call in the future.
I couldn’t believe how cheap it was to get 4 car doors and the truck rekeyed by Lock Pixies.
Marcus M.
Denver Key Fob Service
How much do you know about the differences between key fobs? They’re not all the same.
A locksmith should have the tools and know-how to help you out regardless of what key fob you possess. Here are several different key fobs that you should note, all of which can be replaced and copied:
- Remote fobs – For several decades now, remote fobs have been used by people to perform routine tasks with their vehicles, such as locking them without a key. Many remote fobs made for such purposes come included with a pair of ordinary keys. They’re the precursors to more sophisticated key fobs. Most of them also have alarms that are activated at the user’s request or can turn off one that’s sounding a false alarm. They are still common on newer vehicles today, though key fobs are increasing in popularity. Regardless, a locksmith can replace remote fobs, including those separate from the driver’s keys.
- Single fob keys – These are key fobs built primarily to start and stop a vehicle. Some will also unlock vehicles. They’re small and easily fit into pockets of all kinds. In newer car models, they may even replace a key entirely, where the key fob is all that’s needed to get the engine started. Key fob replacement is focused mostly on these since they’re the most often that end up lost.

Fob keys don’t last forever and will have to be replaced somewhere down the line. For the average key fobs, you should expect them to last anywhere from two to three years on a full battery.
If you’ve recently purchased a pre-owned vehicle and find yourself pressing the buttons multiple times to perform a task, consider getting a key fob battery replacement.
Although your vehicle’s manufacturer can tell you when your battery is most likely to die, it doesn’t factor in how often you use the key fob. People that heavily use them can have their batteries depleted much sooner than what’s specified.

How to Choose the Best Car Locksmith
The first thing you should look for is how seriously the locksmith takes security.
No reputable locksmith will do service on a key that hasn’t been verified by the owner. This is done by the locksmith gathering information from the customer, such as matching their vehicle registration to their identification. It’s steps like this that help prevent thieves from gaining access to stolen vehicles and block motorists from becoming would-be victims of car theft.
The lost car keys in Denver that are recovered are great. If they’re never taken off a vehicle’s computer system when a new copy is built, it could put the safety of that vehicle in jeopardy. But in cases where an emergency locksmith is urgently needed, they’ll help you change out the old for something new long before a thief has a chance to try it out on your car.
More on Denver Key Fob Services
Every mobile locksmith Denver has on call can give you services about your keys and key fobs, but not all of them are advised.
For starters, many won’t come out to your location late in the evening and early morning. Lost car keys in Denver during the middle of the night? You’re not going to want to fumble through your address book or go down a list of locksmiths not knowing their hours of operation.
You need one that can come to you at any time, whether during the afternoon rush hour commute or when you’re going back home after a night out with friends. Some locksmiths are on call all the time. Stick with those first since they can get to you easier.

Who to Trust for Key Fob Replacement
Denver automotive locksmiths are easy to find. But Lock Pixies have a structure of getting customers out of jams involving key fob programming in an unrivaled way.
They possess the latest technology to generate new key fobs, making sure to decommission older fobs from cars that are thought to be lost or stolen. For fast service with your keys and key fobs during the night or day, call Lock Pixies right now.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are key fobs expensive to have changed out?
It doesn’t cost much to change most key fobs. Ask your locksmith to give you a quote when you contact for detailed info regarding prices.
Are locksmiths recommended before going to an auto shop?
Dealerships and auto shops are more expensive than your average locksmith. They might not have a compatible key fob for you in stock, possibly charging you shipping fees to have one ordered to their facility. This takes time and isn’t recommended for people experiencing emergencies with their key fobs.
How long does it take for a locksmith to program a new key fob?
Key fobs and spare keys typically take 15 to 30 minutes to program into a new vehicle. The time it takes for a locksmith to arrive at your destination is quick but can be impacted by inclement weather or heavy traffic.

How can we help you?
As a full-service locksmith in Denver, we have to ability to help you anytime you have a problem with locks, keys, or an electronic security system. Beyond serving as a reliable car locksmith in Denver, we also provide residential and commercial locksmith services all year.